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NEW: The Complete Linebacker Drill Book

The Linebacker position is pivotal for defending both the run and pass regardless of the defensive scheme that your program uses, but so many teams fail to properly develop well-rounded players at this position which results in defensive liabilities that the opponent can exploit.

That’s why we’ve put together over 100 drills that will help you create the perfectly well-rounded LB that can DO IT ALL for your program.

Learn how to develop complete players at the LB position with our latest release: The Complete Linebacker Drill Book

The Complete Linebacker Drill Book

What’s Included:

  • Block Shedding Drills: so that your LBs can disengage from blockers and get to the ball fast! 
  • Tackling Drills: so that your defenders can rally to the football and get the ball carrier on the ground immediately without generating extra yardage! 
  • Pass Coverage Drills so that your LBs are prepared to run backward properly, locate the football in the air, and take away the most athletic playmakers on the offensive side of the ball!
  • Pass Rush Drills: so that your LBs can pressure the QB from different areas of the defensive formation and win matchups against offensive lineman!
  • And So Much More!

Unlock all of the skills you need to build complete LBs in your program TODAY with The Complete Linebacker Drill Book

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