Everyone’s heard the phrase “get your best athletes on the field.”
For Montana State, they stick with the rule even if it means that two of those players are QBs!
Today we’re going to cover this topic, which is taken directly from our 6-part series:
The Montana State Offense – The Complete Series
Montana State’s 2 QB RPO
Below is an example of Montana State’s 2QB zone read RPO.
What makes this play different from a traditional zone read RPO, is that instead of using a true HB in the backfield, the player lined up at that position is Montana State’s starting QB.
Because the zone play here is inverted, the QB position is manned by their backup. Personnel wise this makes sense for them because he provides a larger body with rushing skills that are needed since this will be the player keeping the ball and running zone if he gets a keep read.
Their starting QB aligned at the HB spot would be responsible for the passing option on this play if he gets the ball out of the mesh.

Second, Montana State’s offense always has a structured offensive system. This can change from year-to year, but it must be established and built upon beginning on day 1.
At the snap, the QB will read the backside EMOL to determine whether he will give the ball to the QB lined up at the HB position heading into the left side of the formation (accompanied by a passing concept), or if he will keep the ball out of the mesh and run zone to the right.
In this example, two men come off of the backside edge, which forces the QB taking the snap to keep the ball and run zone.
Had the QB gotten a give read, the other QB could have taken the ball out of the mesh with his eyes downfield to the 3 receiver side of the formation. Here the receivers are running a dive-corner concept (see above).
This is just 1 of the many 2QB RPOs that coach Housewright covers in great detail with film in our newest release: The Montana State Offense – The Complete Series
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