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Make your QB sneak TWICE as Dangerous

Over the past couple of seasons the Philadelphia Eagles have made the QB sneak one of the most talked about plays in football.

If you don’t have Jason Kelce or Jalen Hurts on your team, there are plenty of other ways you can get creative when you need just one yard on 4th down.

This is taken directly from “The Complete Trick Plays Playbook” our newest pre-order opportunity.

QB Sneak / Bunch Toss Packaged Play

As defenses start to pack the box on short yardage, they run the risk of getting out-leveraged on the edge, and that’s exactly what this play is designed to do.

If the QB comes to the line and sees that 9 guys are in the box determined to stop the sneak, he can decide to toss it to the RB outside.

Make your QB sneak twice as dangerous with this creative QB Sneak/Bunch Toss play from "The Complete Trick Plays Playbook." Perfect for converting short yardage on 4th down!

The added genius of the play is that both parts are working independently of each other.

The O-Line is blocking the wedge no matter what, and the bunch receivers and the RB are running the toss no matter what. This isn’t an RPO, so there’s no risk of an illegal man downfield call. The QB can make his decision without saying anything to anyone before the snap.

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