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Key Strategies Behind the Ravens’ Dominant Passing Attack

The Baltimore Ravens boast one of the most formidable offenses in the NFL, tailored to maximize the unique talents of Lamar Jackson. Here are five key principles from their 2019 pass game that showcase their strategic brilliance:

1. Quad Formations

Explore five key principles of the 2019 Baltimore Ravens pass game, designed around Lamar Jackson’s strengths. Discover the strategic use of quad formations, RPOs, and more.

The Ravens excel at using unusual formations, such as the “Hannover Bunch” quad look. This alignment is particularly challenging for defenses as it forces them to reveal their coverage. With four to five defenders required on one side, disguising defensive strategies becomes nearly impossible.

In this formation, an extra eligible receiver outside compels a defender to cover him, reducing the number of players available for outside leverage on the bunch. Additionally, this setup creates scrambling opportunities for Lamar Jackson, exploiting seams left open by defenses struggling with coverage reads.

2. Manufacturing 4×1 Concepts

Beyond pure quad sets, the Ravens often deploy four receivers to one side by using 3×1 formations and adding the running back late. This method creates flood routes without giving away the play’s design.

For example, the Ravens might start in a bunch formation, which is already difficult to defend, and then have a running back move to that side with a flare route. These concepts simplify reads for Lamar Jackson, allowing him to focus on finding the open receiver rather than deciphering the coverage.

3. The Run-Pass Option (RPO)

The RPO is a crucial element of the Ravens’ offense, designed to exploit specific matchups. Many of Baltimore’s RPO decisions are made pre-snap, allowing Jackson to determine whether to run or pass based on the defense’s alignment.

In a game against Cincinnati, Jackson identified a soft edge to the TE side, indicating a favorable passing opportunity. He then read the nearest linebacker to decide the target. If the defense had favored the TE side, Jackson would likely have handed off the ball instead. The RPO adds another layer of complexity to Baltimore’s offense, forcing opponents to prepare for a play they might not encounter.

4. Screen Package

Baltimore’s screen game is built around their strengths in the run and misdirection. Effective dropback passing teams often have screens that resemble vertical pass concepts.

In one play, the Ravens use jet motion to misdirect the defense while Lamar Jackson opens up in the opposite direction. This play is designed to look like a boot pass but ends with Jackson turning to pass to the running back. The vertical switch concept on the backside further complicates the defense’s task, creating space for the running back.

5. Boot Game

The Ravens’ boot and play-action pass game is meticulously designed to mimic their core run plays. This similarity keeps defenses guessing and off-balance.

One of Baltimore’s favored boot concepts looks identical to their option plays, with vertical routes pressuring the secondary and a late-emerging flat route providing a quick option for Jackson. These concepts effectively flood one side of the field, making it challenging for defenses to allocate players to both the line of scrimmage and the open side of the formation.

The 2019 Ravens offense, underpinned by these five principles, showcases the strategic genius behind their play design. By leveraging formations, misdirection, and the unique skills of Lamar Jackson, Baltimore has created a dynamic and unpredictable offense that keeps defenses on their heels.

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