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NEW: The Aquinas Blugolds Offense

Explore the secrets behind the Aquinas Blugolds' championship-winning offense in "The Aquinas Offense - The Complete Series." Learn about their unique play designs, versatile schemes, and effective passing game concepts that have led them to three consecutive Wisconsin State Championships.

The Aquinas Blugolds have won THREE CONSECUTIVE Wisconsin State Championships, and their unique offense is a big part of it. 

This offense is a lot different from the other schools on its schedule, which is one of the reasons that they’ve scored over 40 ppg in two of the last three seasons under offensive coordinator Steven Kramer!

Discover what makes this championship offense unique in our latest release: The Aquinas Offense – The Complete Series

The Aquinas Offense: The Complete Series

What’s Included:

  • How they create “Uncommon Plays” so you can use some simple but complex-looking schemes to make life difficult on the defense!
  • Their Versatile Counter Run Scheme so you can master one of the core run schemes that has brought this offense so much success!
  • Their Multiple Screen Game so you can get your best playmakers the ball in space!
  • Their Gun Wing-T Package so that your offense can force defenses to prepare for multiple unique formations.  
  • 2 Points and Trick plays so you can make your opponents uncomfortable with aggressive play calling. 
  • Aquinas’ Best Passing Game Concepts so you can be efficient in the passing game!
  • And So Much More!

Learn all of the secrets that OC Steven Kramer uses to elevate his offense to a championship level with The Aquinas Offense – The Complete Series

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